Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Have you been watching the Olympics like I have.  My favorite sport is any Ice Skating competitions

and I have been staying up late to watch, which isn't helping my getting up in the morning.

 Why they leave it to broadcast  last is just plain mean. By then I have watched a million

 commercials , some of which are clever  and I do enjoy...  the rest……I just mute. We are

enthralled with the athletes and cheer for  our favorites, and love watching the excitement of the winners.

Speaking of the Olympics, my oldest granddaughter is a cyclist and is preparing for the next 2016
summer olympics.

She is receiving this years' new uniform as this is the beginning of the Jr. Women's Season.

Sorry it is a bit blurry…one of us was moving

With part of the team behind her.

http://www.gofundme.com/milliegoat   you can find out why she is called 


This is an article about the team.

We have our fingers crossed that we all are going to Rio de Janeiro in 2016!!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I have teachers on my mind.  Both my daughters and daughter in law teach. One of my daughters owns a small pre-school and I help out a few hours a couple of times a week. She provides a wonderful, safe, fun and warm environment for 12 children a day. She has taught a total of 15 years and holds a Master Degree in education. Her dream was to have her own school,  she has now fulfilled the dream that started when she was 7, and played nothing but 'school'.

            In the morning it's story time

      Then to the yard for out door play, everybody likes a wagon ride.

                            Then it's  lunch time….someone has a very healthy lunch!

                                                This week we're getting ready for Valentines Day

The chalkboard tells us what's for snack each day.

Each week the children help in the kitchen, bake muffins, chop fruit and make special crafts 
to take home.
One day we made Valentine Day placemats on water color paper and 
then they were laminated to last for meal time.

 I wish every child could be so lucky to have a teacher like her in their lives.
(Proud mom that I am)

Monday, February 3, 2014


Once a month I get together with one of my art groups to make art…of course.   We call ourselves "Eastside Art Group"  We take turns hosting and teaching…this day our teacher is Norma who is a prize winning, blue ribbon winner and has her art collected by others, artist.

                        This day she is teaching us how to make gourd boxes.

                     Because California has decided not to have winter, we are able to work outside this fine sunny January day.

The dragonfly one is Diane, another prize winning Gourd artist.

This is Linda working on hers.


This is Jacki working on hers.


I don't have a good picture of Norma our teacher or Marilyn's gourd.

And here's mine….just need to give it a finishing wax.

A photographer I'm not.
We had a delightful day in the sun, making art, gabbing, laughing and being together.  We just completed our first year together and started the second.

Wonder what I will teach when it's mine turn.